Neighbourhood Trophy with eSeL
We invite locals from Gries and Puntigam to lend the Club Hybrid trophies that tell the story of how people live and work in the neighbourhood. In a lively Talk and Game Show, professionally hosted by cultural communicator eSeL (Lorenz Seidler), we will set out via live streaming video to collect these trophies in person – and to explore the neighbourhood together along the way.
The premiere will take place attended by Günter Riegler (City of Graz, City Councillor), Wolfgang Malik (Holding Graz, CEO and Chairman of the Board) and Christian Mayer (Programme Manager Graz Kulturjahr 2020).
Alongside Club Hybrid itself, the opening evening will also feature the installation AKT. 4 Gast, which is being produced by Kolletiv AKT on the site of Club Hybrid, it will also be on display during the opening evening. The Grrrls DJ Crew will provide the musical framework for the club premiere.
We ask for your understanding that the PREMIERE of Club Hybrid can only be attended by invitation. You can follow the premiere online here:
Meeting-ID: 913 0154 1051
The visit to Club Hybrid is regulated by the Covid regulations in force and is therefore limited by the number of participants allowed. Please note that you must prove that you have been tested negative, vaccinated or have recovered (3G rule) in order to visit.