I am my prisoner
Franz Kapfer

21.06.2021 – 25.06.2021   ⬤ Residency „IT’S ALREADY THERE“
Franz Kaper, ich bin mein Gefangener. Archiv im Club Hybrid Gärtnerhaus, Foto: Franz Kapfer
Franz Kaper, Ich bin mein Gefangener. Archiv im Club Hybrid Gärtnerhaus, Foto: Franz Kapfer

Franz Kapfer uses the fenced in, former garden house on the grounds of Club Hybrid as an archive magazine and makes his collection of right-wing extremism accessible on this desolate platform. The collection includes material on the current Covid-19 demonstrations, worldwide right-wing structures and neo-Nazis. As archivist of his collection, he offers daily opening hours, during which time he evaluates and indexes the material. In addition, he also engages with the street battles of right-wing movements in Europe through his installation “Im Rücken die Ruinen von Europa” (In the Back the Ruins of Europe).

Franz Kapfer is also represented with a contribution , Im Rücken die Ruinen von Europa (2019 – 21), in the current exhibition at the Halle für Kunst Steiermark:
HALLE FÜR KUNST Steiermark: Europa: Antike Zukunft
23th of April –15th of August 2021, Burgring 2, 8010 Graz

Franz Kapfer: Born in Fürstenfeld, lives in Vienna. Current exhibitions at Lentos Linz and Halle für Kunst Steiermark, Graz. Participant in the 5th Gherdeina Biennale 2016, the Kiev Biennale 2015, the Busan Biennale 2012 and, in the context of Franz West Extroversion, the 54th Biennale di Venezia 2011. Numerous international residencies a. o. in Moscow 2022 (bmkÖs); Jerusalem 2021 (Land); Istanbul 2018 (BKA); Mexico-City 2014 (BM:UKK); Paris 2011 (BM:UKK); Tirana 2008 (TICA Tirana and rotor, Graz); Rome 2003 (BKA). franzkapfer.wordpress.com