Triester (Club Hybrid)
Martin Behr, Martin Osterider

05.07.2021 – 11.07.2021   ⬤ Residency „IT’S ALREADY THERE!"
"Triester" (Club Hybrid), 2021, Behr/Osterider
“Triester” (Club Hybrid), 2021, Behr/Osterider

Since 2003, the two artists Martin Behr and Martin Osterider, born in Graz in 1964, have independently undertaken photographic forays at regular intervals through the Trieste housing estate in the Gries district of Graz, where the two grew up. They follow two paths, both of which they have often taken with family or relatives in their childhood – the “long” and the “short” route. Since 2013, the project “Triester” has appeared as a publication series in Edition Camera Austria. An open library of specific picture stories about the Trieste settlement as an urban and living space, picture essays that emerge from a long-term and ongoing work-in-progress.

For Club Hybrid, Behr and Osterider expand their photographic research spatially, focusing on the surroundings of the demonstration building situated at Herrgottwiesgasse 161. The results of this southward extended visual long-term narrative will be on view at Club Hybrid from 5 July. On 10 July, Behr and Osterider will present their concept of Trieste and invite interested people to a photographic walk. These workshop results will be shown and discussed at the club on Saturday evening.

Martin Behr lives in Graz. He is an art historian, journalist, editor, curator and artist as well as a member of the artist group G.R.A.M.. Martin Osterider is a visual artist. He is concerned with the potentials of photography in the age of the post-digital. Osterider lives in Vienna.