We are getting ready – the Club Hybrid is opening!
We would like to warmly invite you to the premiere of our demonstrative building in Graz:
Thursday 10th June 2021, at 6 pm
Herrgottwiesgasse 161, 8055 Graz
Neighbourhood Trophy with eSeL
We invite locals from Gries and Puntigam to lend the Club Hybrid trophies that tell the story of how people live and work in the neighbourhood. In a lively Talk and Game Show, professionally hosted by cultural communicator eSeL (Lorenz Seidler), we will set out via live streaming video to collect these trophies in person – and to explore the neighbourhood together along the way.
The premiere will take place attended by Günter Riegler (City of Graz, City Councillor), Wolfgang Malik (Holding Graz, CEO and Chairman of the Board) and Christian Mayer (Programme Manager Graz Kulturjahr 2020).
We kindly ask you to let us know about your visit at club@clubhybrid.at by Monday 7th of June. Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
The premiere will also be available to watch online via this link.
The visit to Club Hybrid is subject to the Covid regulations in force and is therefore limited by the number of participants allowed. Please note that you must prove that you have been tested negative, vaccinated or have recovered (3G rule) in order to visit.
Club Hybrid Season
From Friday 11th of June, Club Hybrid and its canteen will be open daily from 10 am. In addition to weekly guests, there is an extensive daily programme, which you can find online here www.clubhybrid.at/programm.
We cordially invite you to visit the club again and again. The season runs until Sunday 15th of August 2021.
We are looking forward to your visits!
Beatrice Bucher, Martin Embacher, Michael Haas, Heide Oberegger,
Heidi Pretterhofer, Michael Rieper, Manuel Schöndorfer, Michael Sladek, Emily Trummer und Team
The canteen at Club Hybrid is run by Consommè Cabarett, and Saturdays are hosted by Eule Bier.
Thanks to
Club Hybrid takes place within the framework of Graz Kulturjahr 2020.
We thank our sponsors: Stadt Graz, Land Steiermark, BMKOES and Holding Graz
We would also like to thank our sponsors and partners: Arch+, Böck & Berger Elektroinstallationen G.m.b.H., Hobel and Späne AS G.m.b.H, Andreas Kampfl (HKLS GmbH), Montage Service Peiner, Pega Pool, Rundholz Bau G.m.b.H, Steirerhaus Teubl & Teubl Baugesellschaft m.b.H., TU Vienna, werkraum ingenieure, Wolfgang Reinisch