On Tuesday 18 May, the Club Hybrid team invited visitors to the “Public Building Inspection” in Herrgottwiesgasse. It took place both online and due to Corona regulations with only a small group on site.
Among others, City Councillor for Culture Günter Riegler, Holding Graz CEO Wolfgang Malik and Christian Mayer, programme manager of Graz Kulturjahr 2020, paid us a visit. The district head of Gries Nina-Marie Wolf, the former building culture coordinator of the province of Styria Günter Koberg and the artists Franz Konrad and Stefan Lozar from the neighbouring Schaumbad were present as well. And not to forget companies involved in the ongoing construction process: employees of the company Steirerhaus from Weiz, and Albert Serschen managing director of the joinery Hobel & Späne from the district of Gries.