14 – 20 June, Programme: COMBINING WILDLY

AKT. 4 Guest        

“Combining wildly” is the topic under which Viennese collective AKT has been invited to Club Hybrid in Graz. AKT. 4 GAST (Guest) will be completely committed to the core idea of the Club Hybrid, to produce something resistant and permanent by combining building and living. AKT brings a courtyard from Vienna to Graz. An outhouse is to be built in the vicinity of the planned main building of the Club Hybrid and left as a gift for the club and the Gries neighbourhood. >more

21 – 27 June, Programme: INTUITION + PLANNING & “IT’S ALREADY THERE!”

Kai Vöckler, Stoiser Wallmüller Architekten
Mobile Graz      

The expansion of public transport in the city centre of Graz is one of the city’s major issues of the future and the subject of a currently passionate debate. “Mobile Graz” wants to make a substantial contribution to this issue. In cooperation with the TU Graz and the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Offenbach am Main, mobility contexts and related aspects of urban development are visualised and alternative mobility scenarios are developed.

Heidi Schatzl
Alt-Neu-Haus (Viennese Modernism in Haifa)

He was one of the modern architects Graz lost in the 1930s: Eugen Székely/Szekey (1894-1962), who emigrated to Israel in 1935. In Graz, the only buildings by him that have been preserved are the semi-detached houses in Amselgasse, Triestersiedlung, near Club Hybrid. They were built in 1933 as an emergency building programme for the unemployed. Heidi Schatzl’s investigation of Szekey’s path explores what his buildings in Israel have in common with those in Amselgasse.

Franz Kapfer 
I am my prisoner

Franz Kapfer occupies the overgrewn former garden house on the grounds of Club Hybrid as an archive magazine and makes his right-wing extremism collection accessible on this desolate stage. The collection includes material on the current Covid-19 demonstrations, worldwide right-wing structures and Neo-Nazis. As archivist of his collection, he offers daily opening hours during which time he evaluates and indexes the material.

28 June – 4 July, Programme: THE MODEL AND IT´S WORLD

Franz Konrad
Ascent through Descent          

Graz-based artist Franz Konrad left his life as an architect behind a long time ago to enjoy ‘letting off steam’ in the arts. His large-format paintings can be read like plans and deal with current topics. In his residency week, Franz Konrad will explore and visualise the idea of whether social advancement is linked to moral descent.

5 – 11 July, Programme: „IT’S ALREADY THERE!“

Martin Behr and Martin Osterider
Triester (Club Hybrid)                      

Since 2003, Martin Behr and Martin Osterider have regularly undertaken photographic forays independently of each other through the Triestersiedlung in the Gries district of Graz, where they both grew up. For Club Hybrid, the two extend their photographical investigations spatially and focus on the surroundings of the open Demonstrative Building.

12 – 18 July, Programme: IMMUNITY / COMMUNITY

The Question-Machine 

The wohnlabor is building a Question-Machine at Club Hybrid. The machine is switched on at the beginning of the week and then starts producing questions – stimulating, challenging and uncomfortable ones. It looks at the personal living environment, whilst also looking at the larger scale. It looks back, into the here and now and into the future. It collects opinions, ideas, answers and even more questions. Above all, it encourages a discussion around our habitats and living spaces.

19 – 25 July, Programme: GAMBLING AND RESOURCE

Lotte Schreiber
BELL VIE             

BELL VIE – a performance, an episodic play, a short film that looks at mechanisms that systematically turn housing into a capital investment for the rich. Filmmaker and artist Lotte Schreiber turns Club Hybrid into a film set and shoots the key scene of the film together with her protagonists Vera Hagemann and Klaus Meßner (both: zweite liga für kunst und kultur, Graz). Everyone is invited to participate in the filming as a spectator or extra.

26 Juli – 1 August, Programme: COMBINING WILDLY

Katharina Urbanek and Milan Mijalkovic
Poly Plot         

 Club Hybrid is moving. It can be dismantled into its individual parts in just a few days and will be on its way at the end of the season. 46 wooden panels, 44 steel supports, 375 lm steel beams, 36 m² of grating, 3 staircases, 8 windows, 10 doors, etc. are at disposal. The material remains – any context is in flux. Milan Mijalkovic and Katharina Urbanek undertake a search for continuation: for possible users and places, fragmentation and reassembly, individual desire, and public mandate.


winwinoffice is a Spanish-Italian collective created by Celia Cardona Cava and Luigi Costamagna. They are winners of EUROPAN15 competition with the project 47Nord15Ost, a large-scale urban planning intervention for the Graz-based area around Puchstrasse and the former coca-cola factory. This short residency will be the occasion to discuss and work on the idea with relevant stakeholders, residents, and current users of the area.

2 – 8 August, Programme: GAMBLING AND RESOURCE

Folke Köbberling
Wolf in sheep’s clothing 

Artist Folke Köbberling develops intervention models for urban space. She uses existing structures and materials (resources) and thus questions the usual approach to urban architecture in a subtle, often humorous way. For Club Hybrid, she will use sheep’s wool as a building material and in this way intervene in the urban context.

9 – 15 August, Programme: INTUITION AND PLANNING

Agency Apéro

 Water is the basis of our life and accompanies us every day. However, we only really become aware of the water when we bathe. While swimming in the Mur and in private pools remains off-limits to most, everyone is invited to explore the role and future of water in our society together over a portion of FREI[BAD]FRITTEN: What potential do our waters offer in terms of the climate crisis, biodiversity collapse and social inequalities? Do you prefer ketchup or mayo?