Cold, wet, wintry conditions prevailed in Graz on Monday evening and thus also in Herrgottwiesgasse 161. However, our club evening takes place in all weathers and therefore it was possible to witness the ground-breaking ceremony in the dry. A few team members only attended the meeting in the construction container on site and also offered a somewhat “blown away” tour of the property and the construction site with camera.
Heidi Pretterhofer and Michael Rieper gave insights into the themes dealt with at Club Hybrid – from “Ahnung + Planung” on the ground question, speculation and improvisation to “It’s already there!” about what is already there, what are we building on and what role does Graz play. Here is an overview in the themes. The formats and some of the guests of the Club Hybrid in summer were also presented. In May the programme will go online.
Christian Mayer and the City Councillor for Culture Günter Riegler, as well as other participants, once again placed the demonstrative building and its themes in the context of the city and the Graz Kulturjahr 2020. As Günter Riegler put it nicely: with the Club Hybrid, a laboratory is being created for a common preoccupation with the resource of public space, and this is ultimately what is at stake in all questions of urban planning, densification, dedications, participation as well as in “how we want to live”, which is the theme of the year of culture.
In this sense, may the rain fog lift and the sun shine again. Especially in Herrgottwiesgasse where the Club Hybrid will take shape in the coming weeks. You can now follow the construction work live on our webcam –> Club Hybrid Webcam.